When you attend Co-teacher Training, you will receive the following materials:

  • A Co-teacher’s Guide to Academic Partnership. This handout lists a sampling of learning objectives for your child’s grade level in Math and Language Arts/English, suggested questions for your classroom teacher, and ideas for co-teaching at home
  • Samples from teachers of homework requirements. If your child is starting Legacy in January, check your child’s take-home folder for these samples during the first week of school.
  • The teacher’s class procedures and guidelines. If your child is starting Legacy in January, check your child’s take-home folder for these during the first week of school.


Lesson Planslesson plans

You will learn how to access lesson plans for your school day at home via our online system, Praxi, when you attend Co-teacher Training.

As the co-teacher, you are responsible for making sure your children complete all homework assignments by the indicated due dates. Be sure to read the “Reminders” and “Instructions for Co-teachers” for each class. As your students grow in responsibility, teach them to access and print their own homework lists, but make sure you also continue to read the assignments, Reminders, and Instructions for Co-teachers.

Note: Print your lesson plans after 5pm on Sundays and scan over them so you can pick up supplies and prevent surprises. Be sure to wait until 5pm on Sunday to print the week’s plans as teachers have until this time to make changes to lesson plans. Teacher changes after 5pm will be emailed to you.



When completing projects or other more lengthy assignments, teachers will provide a rubric, which is an instructional and scoring guide. Always refer to the rubric before beginning a project.

Be sure to follow teachers’ class procedures, lesson plans, and rubrics to ensure success in each of your children’s classes.


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