American Academy of Pediatrics
Armor of God – Bible study by Priscilla Shirer. Legacy parent recommended – Rates all types of media and provides parent education articles on cyberbullying, privacy and internet safety, social media, and cell phones.
Covenant Eyes – Monitors the websites visited, search terms used, and YouTube videos watched, and lists them in an easy-to-read report that is designed to start a conversation about healthy online habits. Parents, see where your kids go online. Adults, reduce Internet temptations and protect the relationships you value most.
Disney Circle – Pairs with your home wi-fi to manage every device on your network. Parents can filter content, limit screen time, and manage a “bedtime” for every device. Legacy parent recommended – Entertainment Software Rating Board.
For Parents Only – This book by Shaunti Feldhahn explores the results of a nationwide survey and personal interviews with more than 1,000 teens and tweens to tackle those things parents often don’t “get” about their kids. Discusses the feelings that drive kids’ seemingly illogical decisions, the truth behind those exasperating “attitude problems,” and what teens would tell their parents if they could trust them to truly listen.
iBoss – Controls how and when your children access the internet. Legacy parent recommended
Net Nanny – Parental controls software that protects kids from online predators, pornography, and cyberbullying. Set screen limits and pause the internet during meals, homework, and bedtime. Legacy parent recommended
Parental Control Software Reviews – 10 parental control software options are compared by Top Ten Reviews. – Reviews movies, music, videos, TV, and games from a biblical standpoint. – Dedicated to prevention of texting and driving accidents. – Click on Students or Family. There are online training modules to help keep kids safe online.
Visionary Parenting Online Videos – Email for the link and access code.