extra_extraFrequent and open communication with parents is essential to the successful operation of a University Model School. There are several tools at Legacy to keep you informed.


Primary Communication to Parents

Family Handbook: Our primary method of communicating school policies to parents is through the Family Handbook. Be sure to read through the 2017-18 Family Handbook prior to Co-teacher Training so you will know Legacy’s vision, academic and behavior policies, dress code, and Student Code of Conduct. It will be updated over the summer. Make sure you read the handbook for the upcoming school year. You must turn in the Agreement Documentation Forms from section 15 of this orientation to the front desk during August’s Co-Teacher Training where your name will be checked off. The forms indicate your agreement with the Family Handbook and forms must be turned in for your student to attend the first day of school.

Teacher Emails: Once school starts, teachers will email you when they have changes or other important news to communicate. It’s important to check email daily so you’ll be up-to-date on assignments and other class-related needs. You will receive a welcome postcard or email from your children’s teachers when class rosters are finalized during teacher in-service in August.

Weekly Email: The majority of communication from the school takes place via a weekly parent email. You will begin receiving this email bi-weekly in the summer.

Praxi Calendar: Information about all upcoming events is posted on the secure calendar within Praxi. All events mentioned in the weekly parent email may be found on this calendar.

Parent Text Alerts: Please be sure that your phone has texting capabilities as we sometimes send out school-wide text messages in the event of emergencies, school closings, or weather-related circumstances.


Additional Communication Sources

Academic Calendar: A public calendar that lists the major dates and holidays of the school year. Click here to view or download the current Academic Calendar.

Athletic Schedules: View at www.legacypca.org/athletics.

Paws for Thought: The school newspaper, which contains student activities and current events. The newspaper is emailed to parents. Click here to view past editions.

Parent Connect:  A newsletter just for parents that contains co-teaching tips, ideas for teaching Christ-like character, and upcoming Family Ministry events. A hard copy comes home with the youngest child in Elementary School families. Parents with students in 5th-12th grades receive a copy via email.

State of the School: A meeting for all families during second semester to learn about board and policy issues, as well as tuition increases and school improvements.

Quick Reference: Visit the Quick Reference page at the front of the Family Handbook for a list of who to contact when you need assistance. When you’re not sure, contact our Dean of Family Ministry, Kristie Tran (ktran@legacypca.org) or Head of Elementary, Jeana Francis (jfrancis@legacypca.org).


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