Student Technology Resources

At Legacy, we believe that preparing our students to participate and compete in a 21st century environment requires the knowledge and skilled use of a personal computer. This tool will help prepare our students with the collaborative, creative and critical thinking skills necessary for success. For this reason, all 5th-12th grade students are required to provide a device that meets our minimum specifications.

The machine minimum specifications are as follows:


Acceptable Use Policy Guidelines

Students must review the Technology Handbook below as soon as accepted into Legacy and at the beginning of every school year they continue to attend. Parents must also sign the Acceptable Use Policy in Praxi every school year. Failure to comply with these standards could result in network access being revoked.

Legacy Technology Handbook

Student Wi-Fi Access

Only devices vetted by Legacy Technology may be added to the student Wi-Fi. Connect to: “Legacy Students”

Please ask Legacy personnel for the pre-shared key.

Guest Wi-Fi Access

As a curtesy, Legacy provides guest access for cellphones, tablets, and laptops that have not be vetted by Legacy Technology staff. Please use “Legacy Guest” for your non-vetted device.

Get Help (How To)

Welcome Lions! Your Legacy IT staff is here to assist with your technology needs. Do you need help from us? Please read below to understand our process for scheduling help when you need it.

IT Inquiries

For any IT inquiries, questions, concerns please email

For further information or to address any questions please visit our FAQ page or email